Freelance and online job markets are becoming more competitive
each passing day, with more people wishing to avoid the hassles of working on
the corporate world. As a work-at-home Mom for almost 8 years, I realize the
importance of advancing my knowledge on particular areas related to my work and
learning new skills that I can use in pursuing new opportunities. Alas, I can take
advantage of yet another online offering, and enroll myself on e-learning
courses available from High Speed Training.
I usually multi-task, handling multiple projects at the same time, so taking the Time Management course is my obvious first choice, with the Business Writing Training Skills comes second ( I blog regularly so I wanted to review my writing skills). The duration of the above-mentioned online training courses are one and two hours, respectively.
Time Management training is aimed at anyone wishing to develop key skills across a number of methods, which will enable the candidate to evaluate what is important to them and take the relevant decisive action. On the other hand, the Business Writing course is designed to help employees acquire better written skills and understand the techniques used to improve their writing for different formats.
With the Business Writing e-learning course, I got to review my language and spelling, grammar and types of business writing like emails, newsletters, adverts, media articles and letters.
I usually multi-task, handling multiple projects at the same time, so taking the Time Management course is my obvious first choice, with the Business Writing Training Skills comes second ( I blog regularly so I wanted to review my writing skills). The duration of the above-mentioned online training courses are one and two hours, respectively.
Time Management training is aimed at anyone wishing to develop key skills across a number of methods, which will enable the candidate to evaluate what is important to them and take the relevant decisive action. On the other hand, the Business Writing course is designed to help employees acquire better written skills and understand the techniques used to improve their writing for different formats.
With the Business Writing e-learning course, I got to review my language and spelling, grammar and types of business writing like emails, newsletters, adverts, media articles and letters.
With Time Management Course, I learned how to:
- delegate effectively;
- plan, monitor and review my day to day activities and accomplishments;
- identify urgent and important tasks;
- develop strategies to manage interruptions at work and maintain my focus.
What I Love About High Speed Training and The Courses It Offers
- The website has a user-friendly interface.
- I can start and finish the course anytime, depending on the schedule I like. I was very busy with my full-time job and my family the past few weeks so I was only able to finish my courses today. Yay!
- The training materials are very effective. The voice is clear and understandable, and the speed of the audio is okay. The lessons are presented in a concise and clear manner. And just in case you are not comfortable with listening to the audio alone, there is a PDF in the training screen, complete with appropriate photos!
- If, for some reason, you fail the course, you can re-take with no extra charge!
- Once you passed the course, a personalized certificate will be mailed to your registered address.
- Their customer support team is always available to provide excellent customer service.
I recommend High Speed Training and its training courses not just to
individuals like work-at-home Moms like me, but to businesses as well. They
specialize in food hygiene courses and health and safety training. Staff or employees
can be trained individually anytime with minimal costs and you can easily monitor
and track the progress of each one of them via their unique training facility.
Save time and money with High Speed Training, a fast and easy avenue for learning that provided me with an overall positive and quality learning experience.
Save time and money with High Speed Training, a fast and easy avenue for learning that provided me with an overall positive and quality learning experience.