Washing Machines from Tesco

We are a small family of four composed of myself, my husband AP and our kids D and Little K. We are a work-at-home couple who are going through a lot of difficulties lately, but there is nothing as challenging as doing the laundry. We have no house helper or a regular washerwoman since two years ago; there are no laundry shops near the vicinity as well, so my husband and I perform the daunting task ourselves. I admit that the husband is more talented than me as far as washing clothes is concerned, though, so he does it more often.

We generate an average of 80 to 120 pounds of clothes that need to be washed every week, and sometimes more when bed sheets, linens and curtains are included. Our current schedule for washing them is on Saturdays and Tuesdays. We do have a 3-year old washing machine with dryer but I was thinking, what shall we do if it suddenly gets broken?

It’s not covered by the warranty anymore and it underwent too many repairs already. It’s old and battered, and I’m afraid that it will eventually give up on us sooner or later. The husband got the muscles to wrestle all our dirty clothes and make them clean, bright and smelling heavenly once again, but unfortunately he has other tasks and chores to do and doing the laundry by hand will eat up his entire day. And he would not let me do them! No, he would not. 

So for my peace of mind, I began looking for a replacement at online shops and appliance stores last night. As they say, prevention is better than cure and I'm a firm believer! A variety of washing machines from Tesco seem to suit the needs of our household, with a wide range of brands, capacity, speed and other features to choose from. I also found machines that are supposed to work quieter than our noisy one. But I have to take the price in consideration, too, as I do not wish to exceed my budget for household appliances for the current year.

Hopefully, we get this laundry issue sorted out soon so we can both manage our time effectively when at home with our kids. I’m getting used to not having a helper around because taking care of the kids by ourselves makes me feel good somehow. Their smiles and laughter invigorates me. Indeed, family is the real and ultimate inspiration of any WAHM. 

Have a great day!

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