What Type of WAH Worker Are You?

The advancement in technology makes it possible for anyone to do their jobs at home. You can perform tasks just by having a few tools - a telephone and a computer with an internet connection. This is primarily the reason why the number of individuals who work from home is growing fast and huge because of a variety of reasons.

There are Moms who choose to leave the traditional workspace to take care of their children and the household. There are professionals who simply prefer to go freelance and quit the corporate world. While there are other people who fell back to working at home not by choice but by being laid off. Who else perform works and jobs from home?

The Self-Employed. These people are the entrepreneurial type - they own and manage their business from home. I see a lot of this group of people on Facebook. They are mostly Moms who own stores and shops, either with a physical location or purely operating online. Some have physical products for sale while others only engage in offering services online and offline. The crafty folks at Etsy belongs to this group.

The Telecommuting Employee. I belong to this group, people who are employed in a company based elsewhere, locally or abroad. These are the paid workers. Employment status can be full-time, part-time or project-based. I began telecommuting in 2006 working as a Community Manager / Customer Support Specialist for Zorpia.com, an international social networking site based in Hong Kong. That was my first telecommuting stint where I gained traction. I left my job there in 2009 to work as a Customer Support Manager for a software development company based in the United States.

The Side Hustler. This group of people may be working full time or only part time like the Telecommuting Employee. What makes them different from the other group is that their income stream is variable, as compared to the fixed income an employee receives from his/her employer. Their earnings depend on the hours and the effort they exerted for their work or job. Freelancers who get clients from Upwork and Freelancer belong to this group. Bloggers who receive earnings from their blogs fall under this category, too!

I am a fusion of the Telecommuting Employee and the Side Hustler. Do you work from home as well? Are you a self-employed, a telecommuter or a side-hustler? I would love to hear your comments!


  1. I belong to the telecommuting employee and the side-hustler. I work at home and my income is based on the hours I rendered.

  2. No twitter sharing? I'll share this post anyway :)

  3. I belong to telecommuting employee and the side-hustler. I'm working on being a stay at home Mom and sale bead creations that I make but I still wasn't sure. Great post!

  4. I'm part telecommuter and part side-hustler, too. I give services to just one company, but my salary depends on my hours of work - and I love this setup!

  5. Oh I wish I can also be a WAHMy in the near future. I want to be a self-employed WAHMy para wala ng boss, haha... Anyway, I am running now a small online business so if one day I finally decided to leave the corporate world, then I have it as a starting point. But still I want to have a part time job :)

    Mommy Maye

  6. I'm a semi side hustler pala. Given the chance in the near future, I would really like to try being a telecommuter aside from being a side hustler.
