Anmum Materna and the Anmum Mommy Circle

I am on my 27th week of pregnancy which means that my second trimester is drawing to a close. Right now, I feel very much better and healthier compared to my first trimester. For me, that phase is always the hardest to endure. This is my third pregnancy (though the second was a miscarriage) and it is always the same. I had to eventually combat severe vomiting, nausea, fatigue and all those nasty symptoms that come with being pregnant. I was literally on bed rest during those months because I also have placenta previa; sudden movements get me all queasy inside as well. So I took a very long break from my job and only came back working during the fifth month.

With regard to vomiting and nausea, these are some tips my OB Gyne gave me that greatly helped me get through my first trimester:

1.       Eat small, frequent meals.
2.       Stay away from acidic, spicy and fried foods.
3.       Suck on ice cubes! (You may even add different flavors. Mine was always orange!)
4.       Get plenty of rest.
5.       Drink Anmum Materna because it has Vitamin B6. Avocado and banana are also good sources of Vitamin B6.

With the last item on the list, I actually needed no second urging as I've been religiously drinking Anmum since January because hubby and I really planned on having our second child this year. It is also one of the first supplements my OB recommended when I was pregnant with Kuya Dirk. I drink 2 glasses per day, one between breakfast and lunch and another before going to sleep.

Aside from Vitamin B6 that helps reduce the effects of nausea, Anmum Materna is also a rich source of the following nutrients:

1.       IRON - Helps meet the significant increased requirement during pregnancy to reduce the risk of anemia.
2.       CALCIUM and VITAMIN D - Support development of strong bones and teeth.
3.       FOLATE - Critical for fetal nervous system development; important in preventing maternal anemia and fetal neural defects.
4.       FIBRE - Supports a healthy digestive system for the pregnant Mom.
5.       DHA and GA - Support overall mental and visual development.

Not only did it help me with nausea, drinking Anmum also aids in the healthy development of my growing baby.  It’s like hitting two birds with one stone!  

And when you are pregnant, you may have lots of questions to ask as well as thoughts and experiences to share.  So whether you are feeling anxious, excited or just want to have a chat, there will always be women in the Anmum Mommy Circle community in Facebook who knows what you are going through and can provide you with answers and tips that are helpful for your pregnancy.  Come and join the circle!

And before I conclude this post, I just would like to share that I’m having a healthy little princess. (Yey, may kakampi na ako!) Hehe. Here’s her ultrasound photo taken last Monday. 

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