First Day at School

Bye bye, summer!
This is it. Summer vacation is over, Dirk is officially a Kindergarten pupil now and there's no turning back.

I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to be with my son on his first day at school, together with his Dad and baby sister. This is definitely one of the priceless perks of being a Work-at-Home-Mom (WAHM)! I was given flexible working hours so I can easily shift between schedules whenever needed. And this is one of those days I cannot afford to miss.

I was really nervous at first, because last year when we were trying to enroll him in a day care center near our home he was crying like crazy and begging not to return to school the next day. I was afraid that he'll get traumatized if we force him to attend school even if he's not emotionally ready so I said it's no big deal. He can just skip day care and go straight to kindergarten the following year.

Welcome to Kindergarten, Dirk!

I home schooled him last year, and hired a tutor last summer so he can keep up with his classmates who probably attended pre-school already.  I also made sure that the class is less than fifteen in number, so the teacher can pay more attention to each pupil. And ahoy, they are only 5!

A good boy listens.

Today, Dirk was simply awesome. I was watching at the back of the classroom with baby K, and I can see that he was paying attention to Ma'am J, his teacher. He is really naughty at home but hey, I am elated to know that he knows how to listen to his teacher. I hope and pray that my son learns many things that this institution has to offer.

Painted walls. A part of the recreation room.
This day is special and memorable and I'm glad that I was able to be a part of it.

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