Items to Buy Before I Give Birth

When I was pregnant with Dirk 4 years ago, husband and I bought a lot of baby things and equipments. But many of them are rarely used, a few aren't even used at all. We just donated the lot to my nephews and friends' children. So this time around, I decided to just stick with the necessities and essentials for my first shopping for our new baby. Some other baby things can probably wait until our little Princess has arrived.

I already have some infant clothes (sleepsuits and bodysuits), a crib, a car seat, a stroller and a buggy courtesy of my Aunts and two sisters-in-law who all earlier gave birth this year. I also already bought nursing bras and breast pads from an earlier shopping.

And here are the items left on my checklist:

- Storage for clothes and diapers
- Diaper bag, Infant diapers
- Alcohol-free wipes
- Onesies, Cardigans, Hats
- Booties, Socks, Shoes
- Wash cloths, Burp cloths, Towels, Blankets
- Baby wash, Shampoo
- Digital Thermometer
- Petroleum Jelly
- Cotton balls
- Rubbing alcohol
- Bottles, Nipples, Bottle brush

I hope these are really enough. But if ever I missed anything, it would be much easier to buy since we already have the basic necessities. I just want to make sure that I have all the things I need when we finally take our baby home.

If you have other suggestions on what other things to get before I'm due, please write them in the comment section. I would loooove to hear what you think I've missed. Thanks! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is useful. I didn't have a list when I gave birth. We just bought everything we thought we will be needing. My sister's due next month, and we could use this.
