4 Ways to Protect your Gadgets

Water Sherpa iPad Carrying Case
Remember how carefully you first removed your iPad from the box? Remember how gingerly you placed your PS3 on its gaming station? Time make fools of us all. If you'd like to reclaim some of that tender care that you used to show your electronics, here are four ways to protect them.

Use Covers

It just doesn't make sense to spend hundreds of dollars on technology and not protect them with covers and cases. You don't have to wrangle with something bulky; there are products out there, like the Sherpa line, that specialize in bags and straps that also double as protective coverings. Click here to find out more about such items.

Clean them Regularly

Dirt, dust and oily build-up from your fingertips can all cause serious problems with your devices. You shouldn't just take a rag to use on them, however; there are protocols and special cleaning supplies needed for delicate machinery. Do your research to make sure you don't ruin anything in an effort to shine it.

Know What to Do in an Emergency

Seconds can count when it comes to a waterlogged phone or smoking tablet. If you ever drop your BlackBerry in the dishwater, you might just be able to save it if you know right away to dunk it in a bowl of rice that will soak up the excess moisture.

Handle with Care

At the end of the day, all the preventative measures in the world can't protect your gadgets from yourself. Don't treat them roughly. You spent too much money to take them home in the first place.


  1. sturdy and trendy gadget cases are what I really want for my gadgets. :-)

  2. One thing I remember is not to use alcohol in cleaning your gadgets especially to cameras since it may ruin the camera itself.

  3. I'm not really techie so I don't have much gadgets to protect with. But this is a good post for my future gadget invasion. Soon! :)
